Riley's Pool & Dog Spa

We've been running a private hire swimming pool from home to dog owners wishing to take their dogs swimming. The business is named Riley's Pool & Dog Spa, after our Maltese dog called Riley. All logos and graphics were designed by me, as well as business cards and flyers.

Below are two marketing photos featuring Riley posing with the flyers, as well as floating in the pool.

Owners also also had to option to hire me in as a photographer or to film and edit a short video of their swim. We had some of these photos printed and put them up around our logo sign for clients to enjoy, as well as on a digital signage screen by the seating area.

Below is one of the videos I filmed and edited of two dogs who originally didn't want to swim when they came separately. When they both booked in together they both started to bounce so much energy off of each other and really started to enjoy the experience! 


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